Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Ketika Negara Kita di injak- injak...

Mempersoalkan batas wilayah suatu Negara adalah wajib, ketika suatu Negara sudah mencapai tahap merdeka dan mandiri. Adalah suatu syarat terbentuknya suatu Negara, diakui kedudukannya sebagai suatu Negara oleh Negara lain, dengan terbentuknya batas Negara. Namun, apa yang akan terjadi apabila batas wilayah Negara yang menjadi patokan kedaulatan suatu Negara diterabas, diterjang, diperkosa seenakna oleh Negara lain? Diam saja….Ya, itulah kenyataan pahit yang sedang terjadi di Negara kita tercinta, Indonesia. Di tengah kemelut persaingan panas menjadi orang Indonesia nomor 1, Malaysia membidik satu (lagi) wilayah Indonesia yaitu perairan Ambalat. Gila!!! Sesudah Sipadan dan Ligitan, lalu Ambalat. Setelah itu?
Departemen Pertahanan, Departemen LuarNegeri, dan semua departemen terkait hanya diam tak bergerak, seperti seonggok bangkai di tengah kumpulan bangkai lainnya. Bagaimana hal ini bisa terjadi? Ya, Indonesia memang kaya. Indonesia memang beraneka ragam. Indonesia memang terkenal akan keramahan warganya. Tetapi, ketika suatu Negara telah dengan sengaja melanggar peraturan, memasuki batas Negara kita tanpa ijin untuk mengambil kekayaan di dalamnya. Haruskah kita diam saja karena toh masih punya banyak kekayaan di daerah lain? Apakah kita harus tetap ramah dan tersenyum saja, mengalungkan bunga dan berkata “Selamat datang.”? Tidak!!
Apakah kita akan diam saja diinjak harga diri kita? Teriakkan dan beri tiupan nafas jiwa pada resistensi, agar resistensi itu bernyawa, sehingga kita bisa melawan inperialisme gaya Malaysia. Buktikan bahwa kita juga punya kekuatan. Ganyang Malaysia!!

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

Anti-Communism Sentiment in Indonesia as a Result of Hegemony and Governmentality

What are the meaning of hegemony and governmentality? The real application of hegemony done by the government existed in Gramsci’s own country, Italy. Benito Mussolini, known as Italian prime minister (1922–43) and the first of 20th-century Europe's fascist dictators successfully develop the idea of fascism though it curtailed the liberty of most Italians. Gramsci revealed that this phenomenon happened as the effect of hegemonic government led by Mussolini at that time. The culture of fascism developed rapidly to the most of Italians because Mussolini used his power as the ruler to dominate the people who were inferior to him. As the one who was superior he easily injected his ideology into every Italians mind to keep his dominance in the society.
Foucault’s idea of governmentality was raised when he studied the genealogy. Foucault had a great attention to “governmentality,” the array of political arrangements, past and present, within which individuals have not simply been dominated subjects but have been able in some measure to govern, to be, and to create themselves. He expanded the scope (and lessened the bite) of genealogy. No longer focused exclusively on the dynamics of power-knowledge, it came to encompass the broader dynamics of human reflection, of the posing of questions and the seeking of answers, of “problematization.” It could thus chart the possibilities, past and present, of ethics—the “reflective practice of freedom”—a domain in which human beings could exercise their power to conceive and test the modes of domination and subjectivation under which they happened to live.
The notion of hegemony and governmentality also existed in Indonesia, especially in the New Order era. Whether in a conscious condition or not, Soeharto as the leader of the New Order applied Gramsci’s hegemony and Foucault’s governmentality in running the government. The hegemony and governmentality done by the New Order is related to the communism in Indonesia, Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) in particular. The anti-communism sentiment emerged in Indonesia is considered as the effect of the hegemony and governmentality.
As explained previously, hegemony is the combination of coercion and consent in order to dominate the inferior. New Order era led by Soeharto had an inharmonic relationship with communists in Indonesia because he was the one who commanded the “holocaust” of many people that was accused as the members on PKI. Though they did not have any participation in the organization, but if the military considered them as communists, they would be murdered. Soeharto accused PKI as the actors of the September 30th coup while the PKI itself assumed that Soeharto himself as the actor. By using his power as a president of Indonesia he run the hegemonic government by giving a bad stigma to communism. As one example, a film about the September 30th coup that was set up by PKI was always presented in all TV channels once a year, every September 30th. By using the media of television which use audio-video, the “doctrine” to mark the bad stigma to communism would be much easier in “hypnotizing” the people who watched it. The film has a tendency to blame communism that caused the dead of the generals. Television as the media to run the hegemony may become the best way to justify the “fact” that September 30th was done by PKI so communism should be blamed and avoided. The issue that brought the anti-communism sentiment contained in the film that was presented in the television which was the domain of the authorized government somehow becomes the “coercion” because all the television channels broadcasted the film and the people has no choice to watch the other programs so they watch it. The act of watching is considered as the “consent” because the people will also enjoy the film since it is strongly related to the history of Indonesia itself.
In the sense of governmentality, one example that strong enough is the content of the history books always brought the anti-communism sentiment when it arrived to the discussion about the September 30th coup. The history books included the books for elementary school, junior high school, high school, and even university. The anti-communism sentiment was taught in the educational field so it represented the governmentality that produces conforming citizens through educational system. The “brainwashing” of the people since they were still in their early ages becomes an effective way to spread the bad stigma to communism. Thus, the attempt to raise the anti-communism sentiment will appear in the mind of the people since they are still young and even children. The education is also the domain of the government, so the New Order as the government in charge at that time played a great role in influencing the people, especially in raising the anti-communism sentiment. Another way to wash the brain was connected to the September 30th film broadcasted by the TV station. Every student was ordered to write a report about the film that contained anti-communism sentiment, so the students were controlled to hate communism through the report they wrote that had to be submitted in the school.
As the effect of those two applications, the anti-communism sentiment is developed rapidly in the Indonesian society though the New Order is no longer in charge.
It happens because the way the New Order influence the people is very effective which used television and educational system media. However, television and education are two big media that hardly be separated from the progress of society in manifesting the culture in it.

Straight Edge

What is Straight Edge?
The short answer is that it is a subculture centered around hardcore music. People who are straight edge do not smoke, do drugs or consume alcohol. There are no dietary or religious beliefs tied to straight edge contrary to media coverage.
The long answer requires a bit of a history lesson
In the late 1970s and early 1980s a group of bands and kids began something that grew into a movement. It would become a movement that would outlive many of their involvement in the music and the scene. They didn't know what they were doing. They knew they didn't like what was going on around them, the self destruction, the self hatred, the pain and suffering caused by the punk mentality. The fuck you and fuck the world attitude didn't make sense to them. They took a symbol that was originally used to identify them as being too young to drink so that the bartenders would know not to serve them and they made it their own. So they started setting themselves apart by wearing X's on their hands and by singing angry songs proclaiming:
"I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need
I've got the straight edge"
Minor Threat wrote this song in 1980 and a name was given to what would become a movement. The basic beliefs that drugs and alcohol were not needed and should be rejected. That one should live against the grain of popular society and live by rules and standards from themselves and not the ones dictated by society.
Influenced by Minor Threat and other Washington DC bands like the Teen Idles and SOA, the Boston bands SS Decontrol and DYS took the words to heart and expanded on them and expanding Straight Edge's presence within the growing hardcore music genre.

SS Decontrol, Forced Down Your Throat from the GET IT AWAY LP
What's there to do weekends here
Go to a party drink some beer
Everybody's drinking why shouldn't you
Be a part of the drinking crew
That's real cool you're a man
Forced down forced can
Forced down your throat
Forced down your throat
Conditions set conditioned to drink
Too much pressure just won't think
Look what's next smoking a J
Think for yourself break away
Do the hard stuff its real fast
Do it straight the buzz will last
Fuck off you I ain't no waste
Why drink that when I just can't stand the taste

The East Coast was not the only place where Straight Edge was starting to take hold. West Coast bands Unity, Uniform Choice and 7 Seconds were each adding their voice to the growing chorus.
Uniform Choice, Straight and Alert from the Screaming for Change LP
Who drinks the barley?
Who drinks the grain?
Who shoots that shit into their veins?
Is there really the need for the use of dope?
Does it solve ones problems
Can it help one cope?
All the above bands were active between 1981 and 1984. Things stalled at this point. It wasn't until 1985 that a band would come along and change straight edge forever and turn it into the movement that everyone involved today knows and loves. This band was Youth of Today. The record that would change it all was Can't Close my Eyes. During its existence youth of Today featured pretty much a who's who of New York Hardcore. Youth of Today shared members with bands that would define the youth crew and straight edge sound for years to come. Bands like Bold, Side By Side, Gorilla Biscuits, Judge, and Project X. These bands together would form the backbone that all modern straight edge bands benefit from. These are best represented by the lyrics of the song that named the era.
Youth of Today, Youth Crew from the Can't Close my Eyes 7"
Me you youth crew!
If the world was flat I'd grind the edge
To the positive youth my heart I pledge
X on my hand now take the oath
To positive youth to positive growth
To positive minds, to pure clean souls
These will be all my goals
Walk with me and my crew
There is so much shit we can do
And we won't stop until we're through
The Youth Crew era lasted through the late 80s and straight edge would never be the same. It was now a movement. It was more than just a set of personal beliefs. It was something more. It was more than words it was a force of change in the world.
The late 1980s and early 1990s found many straight edge bands becoming more and more political and more geographically dispersed. California saw bands like Inside Out, Insted, Chain of Strength, Outspoken, No for an Answer, Carry Nation, Chorus of disapproval and Unbroken. Seattle saw bands like Brotherhood and Undertow. The east coast had Turning Point, Mouthpiece, Flagmen, Crud, Battery, and Lifetime.
Brotherhood, No Tolerance (For Ignorance) from Fuck Racism, No Tolerance EP
So proud of your country, nationalistic pride
So proud of your race, prejudiced mind
If you so love your country why can't you see
It's made up of all people, no racial boundaries
We're dedicated to stop your ignorance
Band together to bring you to your knees
For your actions we have no tolerance
Your blind hate, prejudice, a disease
Beating up kids who don't share your views
Pull that shit with us and you'll lose
We may lose some battles
But we'll win this war
We may have sat complacent once, no more

The mid 1990s saw explosive growth due in large part to the pro animal rights, pro straight edge band Earth Crisis. The more metallic Bands of this era were One King Down, Brother’s Keeper and Strife. Many of these bands and people involved embraced a militant animal rights stance. It was at this time that Straight Edge gained notoriety, incorrectly, for advocating violence and a gang like mentality in places like Salt Lake City Utah. While misconceptions continue to this day, there is no truth or foundation in accusations like these. These stories were isolated and were blown out of proportion and ended many many years ago. During this time a large portion of people involved in Straight Edge were vegan however they were and still are viewed as completely seperate beliefs. Now however veganism is not as popular as it once was nor are any of the prominent bands now militant animal rights supporters.
Firestorm by Earth Crisis was often misinterpreted and pointed to as an example of advocating violence in the name of straight edge. However as with most hardcore the song wasn't literal, but the mainstream press doesn't understand subtext.
Firestorm from the Firestorm EP/ The Oath that keeps me Free
Street by street.
Block by block.
Taking it all back.
The youth's immersed in poison
Turn the tide counterattack.
Violence against violence,
Let the roundups begin.
A firestorm to purify the bane that society drowns in.
During this same time period saw a Youth Crew revival spearheaded by Ten Yard Fight and included bands like In My Eyes, Hands Tied, Atari, Rancor, 97a, and Better than a Thousand.
Far less militant than the "vegan warriors" of the time, these bands were positive and brought crucial and edgemen back into the lexicon.
Courage to Care by In My Eyes from The Difference between
Growing up not slowing down
Time got your best just look around
But I've found something that keeps me aware
A whole scene of people with the courage to care
Your youth is behind you
As if you were dead
Those times were good man
My best lies ahead
When I deal with you now
All I get is upset
You keep pushing me away
Something you'll regret
I know only a few have the will to stay sincere
Seeing different faces every fucking year!

The first half of the 2000's have seen a lot of ups and downs in both the number of straight edge kids as well as the number of bands. There currently aren't an overwhelming number of straight edge bands as there once were, but the ones that are around are doing it with all their heart. Recently ending bands A.18 and Over My Dead Body were straight edge super groups made up largely by members from earlier bands and all involving men in their 30s a rarity in hardcore and especially straight edge. Some bands that keeping things alive and spreading the message, With Honor, Casey Jones, Champion, The Answer, and Blue Monday
The Mirror by With Honor from their Self Titled EP
I've let tomorrow be a good excuse for
Not changing today
Looking over our lists of to-do's routines have gotten in the way
Day in, day out it becomes the same
I'm tired of standing for nothing and sleepwalking our time away
Leaving our questions unanswered
Or never asking at all
Could we be something more?
Than we are right now?
Eyes closed, shut tight,
Apathy has us by the throat,
Loosen the ropes and let our dreams take flight!
So often we let our dreams fall away but not this time... let's go
I feel like I've never wanted something so bad as this
Stand up and be something more!
We’ll make a change
No time to waste
I would also like to take the time and oppurtunity to thank The Promise for their years of dedication and great music. Thanks guys and good luck with whatever you decide to do next(taken)

Sajak penohok kepala

Barisan Nisan

matahari terlalu pagi mengkhianati
pena terlalu cepat terbakar
kemungkinan terbesar sekarang adalah memperbesar kemungkinan
pada ruang ketidak-mungkinan
sehingga setiap orang yang kami temui tak menemukan lagi satu pun
sudut kemungkinan untuk berkata Tidak mungkin
tanpa darah mereka mengering
sebelum mata pena berkarat menolak kembali terisi
sebelum semua paru disesaki tragedi
dan pengulangan menemukan maknanya sendiri
dalam pasar dan semerbak deodorant
atau mungkin dalam limbah dan kotoran
atau mungkin dalam seragam sederetan nisan
atau mungkin dalam pembebasan ala monitor 14 inci
yang menawarkan hasrat pembangkangan ala Levi's dan Nokia
atau dalam 666 halaman hikayat para bigot dan despot
yang menari ketika jelaga zarkot berangsur menjadi kepulan hitam
berselubung Michael Jordan di pojokan pabrik-pabrik ma'lun para
produsen kerak neraka berlapis statistik
pembenaran teatrikal super-mall
opera sabun panitia penyusun undang-undang pemilu
yang mencoba membanyol tentang kekonyolan demokrasi
narapi berdasi bertopeng mutilasi pembebasan dengan sekarung argumen basi
tentang bagaimana menyamankan posisi pembiasaan diri di hadapan seonggok tinja
para sosok pembaharu dunia bernama PASAR BEBAS dan perdagangan yang adil
untuk kemudian memperlakukan hidup seperti AKABRI dan dikebiri matahari
terlalu pagi mengkhianati
dan heroisme berganti nama menjadi C-4, Sukhoi dan fiksi berpagar konstitusi
menjenguk setiap pesakitan dengan upeti bunga pusara dari makam pahlawan tetangga
bernama Arjuna dan Manusia Laba-laba
pahlawan dari Cobain hingga Vicious
dari berhala hingga anonimous bernama Burung Garuda Pancasila
yang menampakkan diri pada hari setiap situs menjadi sepejal bebatuan yang melayang
pada poros yang sejajar dengan tameng dan pelindung wajah para penjaga makam Firaun berkakis
yang muncul 24 jam matahari dan gulita bertukar posisi setiap pojokan
bahkan di kakus umum dan selokan mencari target konsumen dan homogenisasi kelayakan
maka setiap angka menjadi maka dan makna
ketika kita disuguhi setiap statistik dan moncong senjata dengan ribuan unit SSK
untuk menjaga stabilitas bagi mereka yang akan dinetralisir karena menolak membuang buku Pantheon sebagai panduan kebenaran
sejak hitam dan putih hanya berlaku di hadapan mata setiap salafis
menolak terasuki setan dan tuhan yang mewujud dalam ocehan pencerahan kanon-kanon
tabungan Big Mac dan es krim cone yang berseru,
Beli! Beli! Beli! Konsumsi, konsumsi kami sehingga kalian dapat berpartisipasi dalam usaha para anak negeri yang berjibaku untuk naik haji!
oh... betapa menariknya dunia yang sudah pasti
menjamin semua nyawa dan pluralitas dengan lembaran kontrak asuransi
dengan janji pahala bertubi
dengan janji akumulasi nilai lebih, bursa saham
dan dengan semantik-semantik kekuasaan yang hanya berarti dalam kala
ketika periode berkala para representatif di gedung parlemen memulai tawar-menawar jatah kursi
dan kekuatan hanya berlaku paska konsumsi cairan suplemen, tonik dan para biggot bertemu kawanan
dan cinta hanya akan berlabuh setelah melewati sederatan birokrasi ideologi berwarna merah, hijau, hitam, kuning, biru, merah, putih dan biru
dan merah
dan putih
Oh betapa indahnya dunia yang berkalang fajar poin-poin NAFTA
sehingga pion-pion negara yang berkubang di belakang pembenaran stabilisasi nasional
menemukan pembenaran evolusi mereka dengan berpetakan saluran-saluran pencerahan
para rock-stars yang lelah berkeluh-kesah
kala peluh mengering kasat di hadapan pasang diri lalat dalam pasar
dan kilauan refleksi etalase dan display berhala-berhala
berskala lebih taghut dari ampas neraka diantara robekan surat rekomendasi negara donor
perancang undang-undang dan pakta-pakta anti-teror
para arsitek bahasa penaklukan para pengagung kebebasan
kebebasan yang hanya berlaku di hadapan layar flatron kemajemukan ponsel, demokrasi kotak suara dan pluralisme gedung rubuh
Oh betapa agungnya dunia di hadapan barisan nisan yang dikebiri matahari
dan terlalu pagi mengkhianati

Maka jangan izinkan aku untuk mati terlalu dini
wahai rotasi CD dan seperangkat boombox ringkih
jangan izinkan aku mendisiplinkan diri ke dalam barisan
wahai bentangan seluloid dan narasi
dan demi perpanjangan tangan remah di mulutmu anakku,
jangan izinkan aku terlelap menjagai setiap sisa pembuluh hasrat yang kumiliki hari ini
demi setiap huruf pada setiap fabel yang kututurkan padamu sebelum tidur, Zahraku, mentariku!
Jangan sedetik pun izinkan aku berhenti menziarahi setiap makam tanpa pedang-pedang kalam terhunus
lelap tertidur tanpa satu mata membuka tanpa pagi berhenti mensponsori keinginan berbisa
tanpa di lengan kanan-kiriku adalah matahari dan rembulan
bintang dan sabit
palu dan arit
bumi dan langit
lautan dan parit
dan sayap dan rakit
sehingga seluruh paruku sesak merakit setiap pasak-pasak kemungkinan terbesar
memperbesar setiap kemungkinan pada ruang ketidak-mungkinan
sehingga setiap orang yang kami temui tak menemukan lagi satu pun sudut kemungkinan
untuk berkata, Tidak mungkin
tanpa darah mereka mengering
sebelum mata pena berkarat dan menolak kembali terisi
Matahari tak mungkin lagi mengebiri pagi untuk mengkhianati...
Dipresentasikan oleh:
-Jupri di negeri Pelangi-
“Musuh kita sebenarnya bukan dia atau mereka, tetapi diri kita sendiri.
Cobalah jabat tangan dan peluk diri sendiri.
Yang utopis niscaya menjadi realis”


Another waiting time..
Another wasted time...